Meet the Member: Lisa Chandler

Welcome to our latest installment in our “Meet the Member” series, where we will feature a WFE member. This month meet our 2017 President, Lisa Chandler!

Read on to learn more about Lisa:

How did you get involved with WFE and how long have you been a member?

Since 2004. Trina Painter introduced me to the group.

What is your favorite thing about WFE?

The many great relationships I’ve made with ladies of the group. WFE has introduced me to many professional women who have been a great support. I learned a lot from several of the women. I enjoy being a resource to the group.

10 Quick Questions:

1. What was your first job?
Sales person at a boutique shop in Houston – El Girasol. It featured Mexican art and trinkets in the Town and Country Mall – which is no longer…

2. What do you like most about your current job?
Relationships with my clients – getting to know my clients and watching them become very successful in their businesses. I enjoy being there for them by providing tax advice to get them through the different transactions and business cycles.

3. What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
Treat everyone with the utmost respect

4. Who is your role model?
My paternal grandfather. I admired his values. He was very disciplined, he treated people well, and he worked hard.

5. If you weren’t [A CPA] what would you be doing?
Helicopter pilot – I love the feeling I get when I fly through the air

6. Do you have any pets?
Not currently, but I’ve been mommy to several canines

7. What are you currently reading?
Nothing interesting right now, unfortunately!

8. How do you handle stress?
Long walks, pulling weeds, and bubble baths

9. What do you make time for no matter what?
Time with friends

10. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I played the oboe in junior high school. Yes, I was a band nerd – but just for a little while!

Bonus Question!
11. What “lesson from mom” do you still live by today?
Keep a clean kitchen

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